A journey of a Lifetime

Every person whose life is improved or saved, stems from an act of generosity that’s purely voluntary. That’s why donating is so extraordinary when you do it. How much more rewarding when you fulfill someone’s dream to undertake their Journey Of A Lifetime!

About Us

In the Hajj, Muslims retrace the struggles and sacrifice of two women: Hajar and Hawa. Rihlatul Umr was established to assist females to undertake this great journey of Hajj. The idea behind Rihlatul Umr surfaced in the holy lands of Makkatul Mukarrammah during Hajj 1439 through the shared experiences of many female Hujaaj, particularly those from Cape Town.

With a quota system and rising Hajj costs, Hujaaj who may have been in a financial position to answer the call from Allah will often have to pay substantially more in comparison to their initial budget. Recognising it as their duty to assist their fellow females, the Niyyah (Intention) was made amongst the Hujaaj of 1439 to establish a NPO that will raise funds through various initiatives to enable their sisters and mothers who may be financially hampered to also have the honour of being able to undertake the journey of Hajj by contributing to cover their financial shortfall.

Create an opportunity for Muslim females who would not have been able to undertake the journey of Hajj
Provide a platform to broaden interaction and cohesion amongst our Muslim sisters
Create a sharing and learning environment.

Assist Muslim females to perform their obligatory Hajj, by raising funds through various planned initiatives
Collaborate with various stakeholders such as corporates, businesses
and travel industries to assist with Travel arrangements
Assist prospective Hujaaj through classes, relevant learning materials, attire prior
to undertaking the Journey of a Lifetime

Our Programmes

Rihlatul Umr provide support to deserving Hujjaaj to fulfill one or more their needs utilising the following:

Funding for financial shortfall of Hujaaj

Grocery / toiletry parcels for Hujaaj in need

Sponsor Hujaaj  with Ihraam, reading material, free educational workshops, a suitcase or anything of value to assist on their journey of lifetime

Get involved where it matters

how you can help

Funding for Hujaaj

Commit to a monthly payment from as little as R50 per month
Or a once of payment towards sponsorship of Hujaaj in need

Sponsor Hujaaj with …

Ihraam, reading material, free educational workshops,
a suitcase or anything of value to assist on their journey of a lifetime

Provide Grocery / toiletry parcels for Hujaaj in need…

by donating cash or kind.

COntact us
